Quartiere Cantonment, Accra.
Mi reco stamattina in ambasciata italiana per conoscere il nostro rappresentante.
Un incontro a dir poco interessante.
Parliamo di tante cose, dai rapporti economici tra Italia e Ghana alla crescita di questo paese fino alle varie esperienze nel continente nero e al supporto concreto che fornisce l’ambasciata localmente.
È stato un privilegio conoscerlo, inutile dirvi quanto mi sia sentita a casa anche solo attraversando il cancello!
***English version***
Cantonment District, Accra.
This morning I went to the Italian embassy to get to know our representative.
An very interesting encounter, I must say.
We were talking about different topics, from the economic relations between Italy and Ghana and the growth of this country, to the various experiences on the black continent and the concrete support that the embassy supplies locally.
It was a privilege to know him, needless to say how much I felt at home just after crossing the embassy gate!